
Our history

MINT is the company behind Robobo, a University spin-off, located at A Coruña (Galicia, Spain). We have an extensive background in the design and manufacture of ad-hoc robotic solutions for industry, in addition to our experience as university professors in engineering and intelligent robotics.

We are pioneers in the introduction of artificial intelligence in general education, from high school to university, developing teaching material adapted to the different educational stages. On the one hand, didactic units for teachers, and on the other, low-cost educational robots such as Robobo.


Our team

Within the Robobo project we have a team of professionals with extensive experience in the development of intelligent robotic solutions, organized into 3 large areas:

Awards and projects

Best Paper Award at "RiE 2017" Conference


Vodafone Connecting for Good Galicia 2017

Project Robobo 2.0
Entity: CDTI

Project RosBOBO
Entity: ROSin.org

Experience in robotics

We have more than 20 years of experience in the development of robotic solutions for industry, including mechanical design, electronics and programming.

  • Robots for hull cleaning or blasting.
  • Autonomous control of underwater vehicles for maintenance tasks of marine structures.
  • Autonomous robotics with development of solutions for aerial vehicles for remote sensing in agriculture, inspection and surveillance of large areas.
  • Modular architectures of autonomous robots to operate in dynamic industrial environments.

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